
JWST Cycle-3 SAPPHIRES (GO-6434) Early Data Release (EDR)

Slitless Areal Pure-Parallel HIgh-Redshift Emission Survey (SAPPHIRES) is a JWST Cycle-3 Treasury imaging and spectroscopic survey using the powerful NIRCam wide-field slitless spectroscopic (WFSS) mode in pure parallel. The Public PDF, APT file and Observation Schedule are available on STScI website.

Figure 1: FITSmap view of the images and spectra of a galaxy at \(z=8.42\) (Fudamoto, Y. et al. 2025)

Access to our EDR:

SAPPHIRES EDR focuses on NIRCam imaging and WFSS data obtained in parallel to Frontier Field galaxy cluster MACS J0416.1-2403. The observations were attached to primary observations JWST-GO-4750 (PI: K. Nakajima). With a total dual-channel exposure time of 47.2 hours, we obtain deep NIRCam imaging in 13 bands at 0.6-5.0 micron and deep WFSS at 3.1-5.0 micron through the F356W and F444W filters with grisms in orthogonal dispersion directions.

For detailed descriptions of SAPPHIRES EDR and SAPPHIRES in general, please refer to Sun, F. & Fudamoto, Y. & Lin, X. et al. (2025).

NIRCam Imaging Data

NIRCam imaging observations were obtained with 13 filters, including F070W, F090W, F115W, F140M, F150W, F182M, F200W, F210M (short-wavelength, SW), F277W, F335M, F356W, F410M and F444W (long-wavelength, LW) over a total area of 16.9 arcmin\(^2\). The \(5\sigma\) depths (measured with \(r=0.15^{\prime\prime}\) aperture, point-source) of the images are 28.4~29.5 AB mag across all filters. The NIRCam image mosaics will be shared through SAPPHIRES MAST HLSP website (in preparation).

Dropbox links to the tarballs of 13-band imaging data: SCI extensions (2.9 GB) ERR extensions (2.6 GB) WHT extensions (2.6 GB) I2D FITS (full extensions; 16 GB)

Figure 2: Depth map of SAPPHIRES EDR NIRCam imaging observations

Photometry + Photometric Redshift Catalog

Photometric catalog was constructed using an inverse-varianced-stacked images from F182M to F444W bands. The detection image was iteratively median-filtered to overshred larger galaxies and improve the detectability of blended fainter sources. We then ran a photutils pipeline to detect sources and perform aperture photometry, and an EAZY-py pipeline to compute photometric redshifts.

The combined photometry + photo-z catalog is available as a multi-extension fits file. Photometric catalog column explanation is also available.

Spectroscopic Redshift + Physical Properties Catalog

We obtain spectroscopic redshifts from grism line detections using a semi-automatic routine that will be presented by Lin, X. et al. (2025, in prep.). All redshifts solution have been visually inspected, and we include multiple iterations to mask spectral line contaminations and reject / correct wrong redshift identifications. The spectroscopic redshift catalog contains 1060 sources at \(z_\mathrm{spec}=0.0 - 8.5\). We then ran Bagpipes on Kron-aperture photometry for spec-z-confirmed sources to obtain their physical properties, such as stellar masses and star-formation rates.

The combined spec-z + physical properties catalog is available as a multi-extension fits file. Documentation of the catalog is within the fits headers as comments.

NIRCam Grism Spectra of Redshift-Confirmed Sources

We release the 1D, 2D spectra and visualization plots of redshift-confirmed sources. These spectra were extract using the aforementioned photometric catalog through the publicly available (on GitHub) processing routine and calibration documented by Sun, F. et al. (2023, ApJ).

Figure 3: Spectral stack and redshift histogram of SAPPHIRES EDR sources

For any question or issue with SAPPHIRES, please do not hesitate to contact us via email .